
Professional Development

  • PD Workshops

    • I offer professional development workshops, both virtual and in-person, that focus on science pedagogy as well as the intersection of science and faith. Additionally, I collaborate with clients to design custom workshops tailored to your specific interests.

  • New Teacher Coaching

    • Finding educators who possess strong science content expertise, a deep personal faith, and specialized training in Christian education can be challenging. I offer support to individual teachers and groups by enhancing their proficiency in general science pedagogy while also focusing on effectively integrating Christian principles into their teaching practice.

Curriculum Development, Review & Alignment

  • Course & Program Development

    • Whether you are introducing a new elective, launching an afterschool program, or updating an existing course, I collaborate with your educators to develop a comprehensive scope and sequence or curriculum that seamlessly integrates science, faith, and personal development.

  • Science Curriculum Review

    • I provide expert guidance and support during your curriculum review process, helping you update your science course or departmental curriculum to seamlessly integrate faith, experiential learning, and NGSS standards.

  • NGSS Alignment

    • The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) offer a robust framework for effective science curricula; however, evaluating and aligning courses with these standards can be challenging. I provide comprehensive curriculum review services to assess NGSS alignment, recommend targeted improvements, and develop new content as needed.


  • Classroom Guest Speaker

    • I am passionate about exploring the intersection of science and faith, drawing on my experiences as a Christian in the sciences to help students navigate complex questions. I am available for a range of engagements—including classroom visits, chapel talks, youth group events, podcasts, and more—delivered both virtually and in-person.

  • Connections to Local Christian Scientists

    • Faithful and thoughtful Christian professionals are making significant contributions across every field of science and technology. I leverage my extensive network of Christian scientists to identify and secure the ideal speaker for your class or event.

Science & Faith Projects

  • Guided Discussions on Challenging Topics

    • The intersection of science and faith raises complex questions—from evolution & origins to climate change to gender & sexuality. I am experienced in guiding groups of students or faculty through thoughtful, respectful examinations of what science contributes—and where its limits lie—while also presenting the diverse range of Christian perspectives on these topics. Additionally, I facilitate discussions to help communities determine their preferred approach to these challenging issues.

  • School-Wide Position Statements

    • I assist schools in developing thoughtful, well-crafted position statements on a range of science-related topics, including creation and evolution, climate change, technology usage, and gender and sexuality. These statements require careful consideration in both their creation and written communication, ensuring they are strategically conveyed to all relevant stakeholders.

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