
A selection of my past articles, podcasts, and programs:

Integrate: A Faith & Science Curriculum

I was the Program Manager for 3 years for BioLogos’ Integrate curriculum, which equips educators to bring Christ-centered faith, rigorous science, and gracious dialogue into the classroom. I am immensely proud of the work of the curriculum authors and team to provide such a rich resource for Christian educators

A Conversation on Science and Faith with Faith Stults

I was a guest on the Christian Deeper Learning podcast, Learning to Serve, to discuss science and faith in the classroom with host Krista Adams Wallace

Deepening Faith Through Science: A School Leader’s Guide

In this article for the Center for the Advancement of Christian Education, I explore how school leaders can make their schools a safe and spiritually supportive place for engaging questions of science and faith.

A Wrinkle Occurred / The Nature of Science with Larry Molnar

I co-hosted an episode of BioLogos’ Language of God podcast telling the story of an astronomer and how a big scientific claim highlights the ways that science leads to knowledge about the world, and not always in straightforward ways.

Improving the cooldown times for next-generation cryocooled gravitational-wave interferometers

I am co-author on this peer-reviewed journal article proposing a novel approach to designing more sensitive gravitational wave detectors (Applied Physics Letters · Mar 13, 2023)

What the Webb Telescope Images Didn’t Capture

In this article for BioLogos, I describe how the still frame images from the Webb Telescope give the impression that the universe is a static, calm place. But nothing could be further from the truth.

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